Source code for pikos.monitors.line_monitor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Package: Pikos toolkit
#  File: monitors/
#  License: LICENSE.TXT
#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import inspect
from collections import namedtuple

from pikos._internal.trace_function_manager import TraceFunctionManager
from pikos._internal.keep_track import KeepTrack
from pikos.monitors.monitor import Monitor

LINE_RECORD = ('index', 'function', 'lineNo', 'line', 'filename')
LINE_RECORD_TEMPLATE = '{:<12} {:<50} {:<7} {} -- {}{newline}'

[docs]class LineRecord(namedtuple('LineRecord', LINE_RECORD)): __slots__ = () @classmethod
[docs] def header(cls): """ Return a formatted header line """ return LINE_RECORD_TEMPLATE.format(*cls._fields, newline=os.linesep)
[docs] def line(self): """ Return a formatted header line """ return LINE_RECORD_TEMPLATE.format(*self, newline=os.linesep)
[docs]class LineMonitor(Monitor): """ Record python line events. The class hooks on the settrace function to receive trace events and record when a line of code is about to be executed. Private ------- _recorder : object A recorder object that implementes the :class:`~pikos.recorder.AbstractRecorder` interface. _tracer : object An instance of the :class:`~pikos._internal.trace_functions.TraceFunctionManager` utility class that is used to set and unset the settrace function as required by the monitor. _index : int The current zero based record index. Each `line` trace event will increase the index by one. _call_tracker : object An instance of the :class:`~pikos._internal.keep_track` utility class to keep track of recursive calls to the monitor's :meth:`__enter__` and :meth:`__exit__` methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, recorder): """ Initialize the monitoring class. Parameters ---------- recorder : object A subclass of :class:`~pikos.recorders.AbstractRecorder` or a class that implements the same interface to handle the values to be recorded. """ self._recorder = recorder self._tracer = TraceFunctionManager() self._index = 0 self._call_tracker = KeepTrack()
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Enter the monitor context. The first time the method is called (the context is entered) it will set the settrace hook and initialize the recorder. """ if self._call_tracker('ping'): self._recorder.prepare(LineRecord) self._tracer.replace(self.on_line_event)
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Exit the monitor context. The last time the method is called (the context is exited) it will unset the settrace hook and finalize the recorder. """ if self._call_tracker('pong'): self._tracer.recover() self._recorder.finalize()
[docs] def on_line_event(self, frame, why, arg): """ Record the current line trace event. Called on trace events and when they refer to line traces, it will retrieve the necessary information from the `frame`, create a :class:`LineRecord` and send it to the recorder. """ if why == 'line': filename, lineno, function, line, _ = \ inspect.getframeinfo(frame, context=1) if line is None: line = ['<compiled string>'] record = LineRecord(self._index, function, lineno, line[0].rstrip(), filename) self._recorder.record(record) self._index += 1 return self.on_line_event