
class pikos.filters.on_value.OnValue(field, *args)[source]

Bases: object

A record filter that checks the value of a record field.

field = str

The field to check for change.


Holds the value of the previous field.

__init__(field, *args)[source]

Initialize the filter class.

  • field (str) – The field to check for change
  • *args – A list of values to look for.

Check for the value in the field.

class pikos.filters.on_change.OnChange(field)[source]

Bases: object

A record filter that checks if the record field has changed.

A copy of the field value is stored in the object and compared against new values. On value changed the object returns True.

field = str

The field to check for change.


Holds the value of the field.


Filters and recorders can be shared between monitors. The filter however is not aware of ownership so use with care when shareing the same instance.


Initialize the filter class.

Parameters:field (str) – The field to check for change

Check if the field in the new record has changed.

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